Sean McCarthy

Freelance Writer | Copywriter

Month: April 2023


It’s more than just quality veggies. Once spring has sprung the debate about whether planting a garden is a smart idea for you or not can be found wherever you inquire. It seems that the overall opinion is that the Read more…


How I risked everything and ended up much better off I walked out on my job thirteen years ago with no savings, no plan, and nothing but a middle finger for who had just become my previous employer. When something Read more…

EconomicsPortfolioSide Hustle

Keep your money and pay fewer taxes. Whether you freelance full-time or on the side, once it earns you a certain amount of money, you owe the government a good portion of your hard-earned proceeds. The good news is that Read more…


Tight spaces should be temporary. The budget for the couple’s tiny house was $125k. One-hundred twenty-five thousand US dollars for a roughly 200 square foot living space. For comparison, if your house has a bathroom that’s 8 x 12 feet, Read more…


I have zero complaints. I ordered Starlink satellite internet service in February of 2021 and waited almost a full year for it to show up. Due to where my family lives in rural Vermont, we have no other alternatives for Read more…