Sean McCarthy

Freelance Writer | Copywriter


EconomicsInspirationPortfolioThought Provoking

How much is your dough worth? I like pizza. It’s the perfect choice for when you can’t come up with anything else to eat that sounds good at the moment. If delivery is an option, it’s great for when you want Read more…

EconomicsPortfolioSide Hustle

Keep your money and pay fewer taxes. Whether you freelance full-time or on the side, once it earns you a certain amount of money, you owe the government a good portion of your hard-earned proceeds. The good news is that Read more…


7 steps to fix it today. I have a terrible mindset when it comes to money, I always think there’s more to be made. I’m not wrong. But applying that attitude if you’re financially over-extended is only feeding the financial Read more…


Even if spare change is a thing of the past. I’m pretty sure I have a jar of coins kicking around somewhere. I’m not sure if I know of anyone who doesn’t. The value of saving each day is often Read more…


Stop with the merchandising-masterclass nonsense. If I had a nickel for every email or ad that has been pitched to me to turn my fans into “super” fans, I’d easily have a few dollars. Some algorithm has me pegged for Read more…

EconomicsMaple SugaringPortfolio

A little investment could save you money and time. I started producing maple syrup as a hobby over 20 years ago. I began with 10 buckets and now have 100 taps on a sap line all funneling to my woodshed Read more…