Sean McCarthy

Freelance Writer | Copywriter



Break it ’til you make it. I played a show just north of Boston around Christmas time years ago with a few other bands, some pretty famous, some simply great and on their way. I was standing at the merch Read more…

EconomicsInspirationPortfolioThought Provoking

How much is your dough worth? I like pizza. It’s the perfect choice for when you can’t come up with anything else to eat that sounds good at the moment. If delivery is an option, it’s great for when you want Read more…


Old dogs teaching new tricks. In the apartment complex that we lived in, all of the buildings had three floors. The first one could be considered the basement since half of it was below grade level with windows that allowed Read more…


How I risked everything and ended up much better off I walked out on my job thirteen years ago with no savings, no plan, and nothing but a middle finger for who had just become my previous employer. When something Read more…


It’s the DJ of the local music scene. I’ve been in the music industry for over 35 years and have experienced failure, success, and everything in between, including unwelcome competition. The 1980s saw a flood of DJs needing to scratch Read more…

InspirationSide Hustle

It’s time to get some sand in your butt crack and work for yourself. Whatever answer your boss has to any question that you ask them will always be what benefits them the most in the end. It doesn’t matter Read more…